YES!! Gun Owners Scores a Victory for Individual Privacy in the Supreme Court: The Supreme Court yesterday unanimously sided with Gun Owners of America in finding that the placement of a Global Positioning Device on an automobile constitutes a “search” for purposes of the Fourth Amendment.
"......And we wonder what is wrong with society today.This should help you understand. It's lawyers and politicians.
- Lord’s prayer:………………………........……………….66 words.
- 10 Commandments: …………………….........…………. 179 words.
- Gettysburg address: ………………………….………….. 286 words.
- Declaration of Independence : …….....………….......... .1,300 words.
- US Constitution with 27 Amendments : …....…............... 7,818 words.
- US Government regulations on the sale of cabbage:....... 26,911 words.
State of Dysfunction: Tonight, Americans who tune in to the State of the Union will watch the work of a rhetorical master with a flair for illusion. President Barack Obama will take to the floor of the Capitol in hopes of laying the groundwork for a political debate on his terms--one where he stands on emotional appeals, populism, and class warfare, not the shaky ground of his crumbling record. And looking right back at him will be the U.S. Senate, which has for the past 1,000 days failed to pass a budget--a total shirking of their fundamental duty to be diligent stewards of the taxpayers' dollars.
South Carolina Message: Whomever the Republicans choose as their candidate is going to have to run against both Barack Obama and the pro-Obama media. Newt Gingrich has shown that he can do that. Romney? Not so much. Mitt Romney's fumbling when trying to answer the simple question of whether he would or would not release his income tax records is the kind of indecisiveness that is not going to cut it in a nationally televised debate with President Obama.Gingrich is not just a guy who is fast and feisty on his feet. He has a depth of understanding of what issues are crucial, experience in how to deal with them and -- almost equally important -- experience in how to shoot down the petty, irrelevant and "gotcha" distractions of the media.

Uh America's longest running tea party? Don't think so.
ReplyDeleteWatch this... tea party started in 2007. In New England.
The first state coalition was in NH, in 2008.
GOP hijacked the name in 2009 after they heard Santelli talking about us on TV.