Friedrich Nietzsche, dead long before Obama started lying to us, said “No one lies so boldly as the man who is indignant.” He was remarkably prescient! Obama’s racist, class-driven, sexist indignation flies in our faces daily. This will only get worse as the 2012 election closes.
When Obama isn’t using a false cliché or setting up some stocking horse, he retreats to statistics – questionable, selective statistics. Mark Twain recognized the truth of this long ago in his quote “There are lies, damned lies and statistics.”
In When the Politician Lies, Carrie K. Hutchens laments and advises:
When the politician lies, especially to our face and obviously so, there is no doubt he (or she) is hoping there are enough people who have no clue as to what is truly going on, or blindly following for other reason, or have a stake in his (or her) win.
When the politician lies, especially to our face and obviously so, there is no doubt he (or she) has no regard for any beyond those who can benefit him (or her) at any given moment..
When the politician lies, especially to our face and obviously so, maybe we ought to re-read Animal Farm and 1984 and get a grasp on why what’s happening isn’t just a little campaign fib to be chuckled away.
Double-think and New Speak might be something more of us wished we heard of, paid attention to, and understood, before the politicians’ lies mocked us and left us to be the fools that didn’t “get it” and therefore didn’t “stop it” before it was too late.
Yes, almost(?) all politicians lie but it’s even more damnable when that politician is the leader of this country and the free world.
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