Hey Liberals..: Quit calling yourselves something you are not.. Classical liberalism is a political ideology that advocates limited government,constitutionalism, rule of law, due process, individual liberties includingfreedom of religion, speech, press, assembly, and free markets.[1][2] Your leftists, commies, socialists…Not Liberals..
Heritage legal experts have examined the Obama Administration's recent gutting of welfare reform law, and their conclusion is that the move was illegal. Get the details.

Let’s get one thing straight: more access to guns leads to more freedom. Limiting access to guns leads to more innocent death, destruction and tyranny.
What the word forward means in Obama’s America: According to the Scottish Educator Alexander Tyler, there are 8 stages of a Democracy.
1. From Bondage to Spiritual Faith
2. From Spiritual Faith to Great Courage
3. From Courage to Liberty
4. From Liberty to Abundance
5. From Abundance to Complacency
6. From Complacency to Apathy
7. From Apathy to Dependence
8. From Dependence back into Bondage
What stage do you think America is in right now?

ACTION PLEASE! Folks, please! It's time to quit yacking and start acting! Join and Use Heritage Action for America http://bit.ly/Q27y1V
Capitalism is the most compatible economic system with the Bible, but even capitalism can lead to moral excesses > The devil made me do it? http://ow.ly/ciAHI
RINOs Romping Again! Republican Governors Seeking Online Sales Tax bit.ly/Q26TgR
Governor Welcomes President Obama to Texas By Demanding An Apology - Perry has guts! http://t.co/WBhxv1NS
"Except For Ending Slavery, Fascism, Nazism and Communism, WAR has Never Solved Anything."
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